Welcome to Pine Valley Plantation
Pine Valley Plantation Manor - Main Office
PVP Mail Room
Middle Pond
Garden View
Bridge by the gardens
Reseve A Veggie Garden
Catch and release fishing at Upper Pond
The Fire Pit
RV, Boat, Trailer Parking Area
Lower Pond scenic area
Splendid Fall Foliage
Fall Moon Rising
PVP Maintenance Dept.
Five Miles of Safe Roads
You Are Welcome in Pine Valley Plantation
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About Us

Pine Valley Plantation is managed by our Board of Directors, comprised of a President, Treasurer, Secretary and six directors. These officers are elected by the shareholders at our annual meeting held in October. The Board of Directors meet monthly on the second Thursday. Shareholders are encouraged to attend the “Open” meeting.

Purchasing a Home at Pine Valley

To purchase a home, the buyer must be at least 55 years old and, in the case of a couple, the second person must be at least 50 years old. Buyers must purchase a share of Pine Valley Co-op stock. The share is currently valued at $20,000. This makes you a part owner of this beautiful place we call Pine Valley!



A Monthly Maintenance Fee is assessed which includes water and sewer system maintenance, trash/recycling collection, (a valid Transfer Station sticker and approved trash bags required), for the weekly collection. The fee also provides for  road maintenance, snow removal, salt and sanding of all common grounds, streets, and buildings, Spring and Fall pickup of leaves and brush, Spectrum Cable TV, High Speed Internet and Real Estate Taxes on the Pine Valley property, (residents with sheds or other outbuildings receive a separate, small quarterly tax bill).

Residents maintain their own individual lots, planting flowers & shrubs, choosing lawn ornaments, and mowing, trimming, and snow removal, (several inexpensive lawn and snow removal services are available inside the Co-op).

Contact our Sales Office at 413-668-6989 for an appointment to view the homes currently available for sale.