August 26th (Wednesday) is National Dog Day, and Pine Valley is setting up to celebrate our Canine Population with a Fun Parade! Owners are invited to show off your “Best Friend” as we parade down Plantation Street, from the Manor to Sunset, around Sunset to Avenue E, right to Plantation, and back to the Manor. Costumes are encouraged, and leashes are required. We will keep a safe distance – but if your dog doesn’t “play well with others”, we don’t recommend participating.
Spectators are welcome to set up lawn chairs along the parade route and enjoy the festivities. The parade will kick off at 10:30 in the morning in the upper Manor parking lot. Doggie treats will be given at the end, to all those who make it to the finish line (no, it’s not a race …)
We hope the dogs enjoy their parade, and tthis can become an annual event.